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Chiropractic BioPhysics

Chiropractic BioPhysics Q & A

What is Chiropractic BioPhysics?

Chiropractic BioPhysics was created in 1980 by Dr. Donald Harrison and Dr. Deed Harrison. The goal of this technique is to help patients achieve optimal posture and alignment of the spine. This helps patients function better and can reduce pain. The technique also focuses on rehabilitation of the spine and posture.

Advanced Corrective Chiropractic services

What is Ideal Spinal Alignment?

The ideal spinal alignment for a person is based off the Harrison Spinal Model. This model uses geometric shapes to help doctors identify the proper alignment of the spine, from the first vertebra in the neck to the very bottom of the sacrum. The spine is broken down into three sections, the cervical spine which is in the area of the neck, the ribcage area or thoracic spine, and the lumbar spine which is the lower portion. The cervical spine should resemble part of a circle, the thoracic spine should resemble part of an oval, and the lumbar should resemble part of an oval-elliptical shape. By helping patients’ spines stay in proper alignment, Dr. Chad can remove areas of nerve pressure and muscle strain which can cause pain.

How Does Chiropractic BioPhysical Treatment Work?

Care for an ailment in the spine or back will begin with traditional chiropractic medicine. The patient goes through three weeks of care, usually four times a week. These sessions will work to improve the overall spine and its parts, range of motion, and the intensity and frequency of pain. The treatments used during this time usually consist of adjustment and manipulation techniques. The next step is to work on rehabilitating the spine using more adjustments, traction, and Mirror Image exercises. These exercises are designed to address all of the tissues involved with posture and the spine. You will be examined after the second phase to see if improvements have been made, usually around visit number 36. This evaluation process will continue as the patient progresses. Chiropractic care can stop once a problem is addressed. However, it is usually best to continue to see Dr. Chad to ensure that the spine and all its parts stay in alignment.


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